What Year Are You In?
There are years to plant, years to sow, years to harvest, and years to lay fallow. And that applies to business too. That doesn’t mean you go dormant with nothing to do. There’s always growth to be had but the outward signs of that growth look different from year to year (or in the case of gardening, season to season.)
Resolution Alternatives for the New Year
When J.R.R. Tolkien wrote, “Not all who wander are lost”, he wasn't talking about business professionals. If you want to grow your business and succeed you need a goal/destination and a road map of how you'll get there. Some people do this by setting resolutions. But that term is associated with excuses and lackluster performance.
So, we have some alternatives to setting resolutions that you may find more successful and empowering.
Sustainable Eco-Friendly Practices for Businesses on a Budget
Sustainability doesn't have to break the bank. In fact, there are numerous creative ways in which you can make eco-friendly choices without draining your resources. And since part of sustainability is reducing waste, let’s not waste any time and get right to ways you can start making a change today.
10 Fears You Need to Overcome as a Successful Business Owner
Starting and managing a business is no small feat. While you may feel empowered to start a business or work for yourself, it can be daunting. You may be facing a myriad of fears and uncertainties. Unfortunately, there’s no magical time that they go away. It’s not like once you pass the five-year mark, you become fearless. No, you must work at that and leverage your resources.
So, let’s explore the most common fears for business owners and the strategies for addressing them. One solution that can significantly ease these concerns is working with the Grandview Chamber of Commerce.
Save a Small Business This Holiday Season
It’s officially Small Business Season and that means it’s time to give a little love to small business. With rising interest rates, soaring costs, and online competition, small businesses are feeling the crunch. This season, do a little extra for your neighbors and make a concerted effort to shop small. If you do, you could be saving a small business this year.
10 Ways Nonprofits Can Work with the Chamber to Finish the Year Strong
December is a critical time for nonprofits, as it marks the final stretch of the year to achieve fundraising and community impact goals. But what you might not realize is how a chamber of commerce can help your holiday-giving campaigns. The chamber can be a valuable resource to support your mission going into December and beyond.
4 Psychological Techniques for Increased Sales During Small Business Season
It's a noisy world out there and there's lots of competition. If you want to stand out, you must provide excellent value and persuasive copy. Without these two things, the holiday season will not be the boon you are hoping for. Luckily, creating copy that drives your audience to action is very easy during the holiday season. While many people have a strict budget this year, they want to provide a nice holiday for their friends and family. That means they are looking to buy. Here's how you can help them decide to buy from you.
Don’t Have Time for Events? A Chamber Membership is Worth a lot More Than That.
Just as your investment grows in a savings account in a bank, your business investment in chamber membership is growing even when you aren’t actively participating. Here’s what you’re getting that you may not even realize:
Unlocking LinkedIn’s Potential for Business Growth
There are several ways you can leverage LinkedIn beyond job searches to drive growth and reap the numerous advantages the platform has to offer.
Grow Your Business Socially
We are social creatures. We long for acceptance. We have a fear of missing out. And it’s those very social drives you can leverage to get more customers.
What in the World does a Chamber of Commerce do?
There are a lot of misconceptions about chambers but we’re here to set the record straight and help you understand exactly what they can do for your business and your professional growth.
Now is the Perfect Time to Tell Your Business Story
Your business story is a lasso that draws people in and holds them there. But it can also be a feel-good moment in a sea of dread. With the economic struggles most are enduring, now is the perfect time to cultivate and share your business story.
Stop Chasing “Squirrels”
Have you ever seen the movie Up? In it, there’s a scene where a talking dog (he has a collar that translates his thoughts) is explaining his voice, only to be derailed by the passing of a squirrel. You may know this example as “shiny object syndrome.” Whatever you call it, it’s becoming a big problem for businesses and entrepreneurs. Here’s why and what you can do about it if it’s interfering with your success.
The Power of Personalization
These days when we talk about the power of personalization, we’re not referring to using someone's name in an e-mail or letter. You should be doing that anyway. What your customers expect is a lot more complex but can drive a large number of sales when done well.
20 Reasons Why Chamber Membership Is One of the Best Business Investments Out There!
Have you ever attended a chamber event? If you’re not a member, you’re missing out. Before you think you don’t have the time to attend events, it’s important you know chamber life is not just mixers and ribbon cuttings. Chamber membership is one of the best-kept secrets for free or nearly free business resources like webinars, lunch & learns, and written collateral. Plus, a whole lot more. Chamber membership is one of the best business investments you can make for the money and return.