Don’t Have Time for Events? A Chamber Membership is Worth a lot More Than That.
Just as your investment grows in a savings account in a bank, your business investment in chamber membership is growing even when you aren’t actively participating. Here’s what you’re getting that you may not even realize:
Unlocking LinkedIn’s Potential for Business Growth
There are several ways you can leverage LinkedIn beyond job searches to drive growth and reap the numerous advantages the platform has to offer.
Grow Your Business Socially
We are social creatures. We long for acceptance. We have a fear of missing out. And it’s those very social drives you can leverage to get more customers.
What in the World does a Chamber of Commerce do?
There are a lot of misconceptions about chambers but we’re here to set the record straight and help you understand exactly what they can do for your business and your professional growth.
Now is the Perfect Time to Tell Your Business Story
Your business story is a lasso that draws people in and holds them there. But it can also be a feel-good moment in a sea of dread. With the economic struggles most are enduring, now is the perfect time to cultivate and share your business story.
Stop Chasing “Squirrels”
Have you ever seen the movie Up? In it, there’s a scene where a talking dog (he has a collar that translates his thoughts) is explaining his voice, only to be derailed by the passing of a squirrel. You may know this example as “shiny object syndrome.” Whatever you call it, it’s becoming a big problem for businesses and entrepreneurs. Here’s why and what you can do about it if it’s interfering with your success.
The Power of Personalization
These days when we talk about the power of personalization, we’re not referring to using someone's name in an e-mail or letter. You should be doing that anyway. What your customers expect is a lot more complex but can drive a large number of sales when done well.
20 Reasons Why Chamber Membership Is One of the Best Business Investments Out There!
Have you ever attended a chamber event? If you’re not a member, you’re missing out. Before you think you don’t have the time to attend events, it’s important you know chamber life is not just mixers and ribbon cuttings. Chamber membership is one of the best-kept secrets for free or nearly free business resources like webinars, lunch & learns, and written collateral. Plus, a whole lot more. Chamber membership is one of the best business investments you can make for the money and return.
10 Steps to Perfecting Your Business Offer
Ever notice how some offers are irresistible? You didn’t even know you needed the product or service. Then you saw the offer, and BANG!, you’re whipping out your credit card. This isn’t by accident. Someone down the line carefully created the offer that caused you to act with wild abandon. And you can do it too for your business. It just takes a little forethought.
Take the Friction Out of Doing Business with You
Do you want more customers? Then you need to remove the friction behind doing business with you. Even if you have great customer service, support, and sales, you may have unknown friction that exists before you see the face of your customer. Luckily, you can smooth that out with content. Here are two problems you need to solve for to take the guesswork out of doing business with you.
Efficiency Versus Effectiveness
As a business owner or employee, there are times to concentrate on efficiency and there are times to gear your operation to effectiveness. If you are one or the other all the time, you will find yourself struggling either with burn out or missed deadlines.
Are You a Neurodiverse-friendly Business?
While many businesses are launching diversity initiatives, there’s one area of diversity you may not have considered—neurodiversity. There are several ways to be designated a neurodiverse-friendly business, whether that’s creating a more inviting atmosphere for neurodiverse customers or creating a workplace where all employees are comfortable and valued.
4 Ways You’re Sabotaging Your Top Employee
Teddy Roosevelt is credited for having said, “If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month." And so it is that we are often our biggest impediment to success, especially as business owners. We spend hours helping customers and often don’t show ourselves the same assistance.
Slay the Biggest Impediment to Adopting a Growth Mindset
Busyness, not to be confused with business, is the top impediment to adopting a growth mindset, and yet most business gurus will tell you a growth mindset is exactly what you need to thrive as a business owner or high-performing employee/leader.
So why are we getting in our own way and what can we do about it?